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    Hacktivismo Launches ScatterChat for Secure, Private Communication

    CULT OF THE DEAD COW (cDc) subdivision releases user-friendly software
    to facilitate anonymous communication and secure file transfers 

    NEW YORK, NY (PRWEB) July 21, 2006 - Hacktivismo, an international
    group of hackers, human rights workers, lawyers, and computer security 
    experts announces the release of ScatterChat (www.scatterchat.com), a 
    free, open source application designed to facilitate secure and private
    real-time communication over the Internet.   

    ScatterChat is unique in that it is intended for non-technical human
    rights activists and political dissidents operating behind oppressive
    national firewalls.  It is an instant messaging client that provides
    end-to-end encryption over the Electronic Frontier Foundation-endorsed
    Tor network. Its security features include resiliency against partial
    compromise through perfect forward secrecy, immunity from replay
    attacks, and limited resistance to traffic analysis, all reinforced
    through a pro-actively secure design.  

    According to lead developer J. Salvatore Testa II, "The anonymity and
    encryption that ScatterChat provides ensures that both the identities
    and messages of activists remain a mystery, even to well-funded
    totalitarian governments."

    Hacktivismo will be announcing the release of ScatterChat at the HOPE
    conference taking place July 21-23, at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New
    York, NY.  


    Hacktivismo, a subdivision of CULT OF THE DEAD COW (cDc), has been
    combating information rights abuses for more than a decade.  Its Goolag
    campaign brought great visibility to the issue of Internet censorship
    in China.  Hacktivismo assumes as an ethical point of departure the
    principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and
    the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights.  


    Founded in Lubbock, TX, CULT OF THE DEAD COW (cDc) is the most
    influential hacking group in the world.  The cDc alumni reads like a
    Who's Who of hacking and includes a former Presidential advisor on
    Internet security, among others.  The group is further distinguished
    by publishing the longest running e-zine on the Internet [est. 1984],
    stretching the limits of the First Amendment, and fighting anyone or
    any government that aspires to limit free speech.

    PRESS CONTACT:  press@hacktivismo.com

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