....:::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::....
     ..::'''' '                                                  ` ````::..
   .::'                                           .__                    `::.
  .::                  _____   ___________   ____ |  |__                   ::.
 .::                  /     \_/ __ \_  __ \_/ ___\|  |  \                   ::.
 .:.                 |  Y Y  \  ___/|  | \/\  \___|   Y  \                  .:.
 ::                  |__|_|  /\___  >__|    \___  >___|  /                   ::
 ..                        \/     \/            \/     \/                    ..
                  cDc:  'cuz you can never b 2 RICH or 2 THIN.
                     So let's all be FABULOUS!!Q#$%@#  Rah.
         _   _                                                    _   _
        ((___))                                                  ((___))     
        [ x x ]       _ _/ cDc GRAND IMPERIAL DYNASTY \_ _       [ x x ]
         \   /        _ _        MCMLXXXIV A.D.        _ _        \   /
         (' ')           \  VOLANDO, REPTILIA SPERNO  /           (' ')
          (U)                                                      (U)

                      ***** Own a piece of the herd! *****

      [shirts] | [patches & accessories] | [stickers] | [devotional text]
                       [cultees' stuff] | [nsfers' stuff]

                               ::::: shirts :::::
    In the market for a new shirt?  Dear friend, does the cDc have just the 
    shirts for you!  No more faded concert tees from 20 years ago!  Gone are
    the days of your tattered old shirts, stained an ugly greenish-yellow
    from years of sweat and guacamole spills!

    The only *official* cDc shirts can be found below:
    * cDc HACK.XXX collection
    * other shirts
    * NSF shirt

                       ::::: patches & accessories :::::

    We also offer:
    * round patches
    * not-round patches
    * enamel pins
    * the freshest kicks (in somewhat big and less-big sizes!)
    * liquid receptacles for all your caffeine needs

                              ::::: stickers :::::
    And did somebody say STICKERS?!
    cDc stickers:
    * more stickers soon, maybe!

                          ::::: devotional text :::::
    "But I don't want to dress like a badass," you say.  "And I promised my
    dad I'd never use another sticker after 'the incident' at Six Flags, back
    in '93.  They still won't let me back in the park!  I guess you don't
    have anything for me.  :(" (You speak in emoticons, you know you do.)
    O ye of little faith!  Now is not the time for despair; 'tis the time for
    rejoicing!  You, too, can own a part of the cDc legacy!  Praise be!
    _The Book of Cao_ (the original cDc book) is available in print (at cost)
    and as a *free* ebook for all your devotional needs.  Read it again for
    the first time!

            ***** Official cDc merch - ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES! *****             

    "Thanks, cDc!  You convinced me to upgrade my wardrobe *and* to read a 
    spiritual tome, not to mention the k-rad stickers I'm going to put up
    on every blank surface I encounter!  I guess I'm all set!" you say as
    you prepare to resume your regularly scheduled Facebookery, while you
    wait for the cDc love to be delivered.

                      ***** But wait, there's more! *****

                           ::::: cultees' stuff :::::

    Our gnostic cabal produces the following:
    * Bill Brown's books, DVDs, and zines
    * DilDog's HACK.XXX, the finest apparel and accessories this side of the
    * G.A. Ellsworth's _Cool Beans!_ store, featuring issues and such of his
    * Medus4's artwork and masks, for all your handcrafted needs

                           ::::: nsfers' stuff :::::

    Not to be outdone, the Ninja Strike Force brings you these fine items:
    * Delchi's comics
    * Rob "Flack" O'Hara's books
    * hardwire's _Anarchist Hillbilly Techno_ - now available as a 3CD set!
    * Ladyada's hardware awesomeness

                            xXx / RULE BOVINIA \ xXx
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